Please prepare the CC12M dataset. All the images should be stored in a folder. A metafile (csv or tsv file) that contains the image_id and its corresponding caption is needed.
image_id, caption
00001.jpg, a boy is running on the beach,
00002.jpg, The bride was wearing a chic lace.
Using multi-processing (e.g. 32 processes) to filter cc12m dataset using Top-K frequently appeared entities. Feel free to modify the entities in
cd datasets
python --mode filter --srcdir /path/to/your/cc12m.csv --processor 32
This will generate 32 sub-files in subset/ directory.
Next, merge these sub-files into a single metafile (and optionally delete the sub-files by passing --remove_subfiles=True).
python --mode merge --dstdir /path/to/your/cc12m/subsets/ --remove_subfiles True
Construct cross-image pairs based on the filtered data.
python --mode makepair --metafile /path/to/your/cc12m_filtered_subset.csv
The generated metafile is automatically saved to /path/to/your/cc12m_filtered_subset_pair.csv. This metafile can be used for training the model.
Modify the root path and metafile path in configs/ovsegmentor/ovsegmentor_pretrain_vit_bert_stage1.yml
root_dir: '/path/to/your/cc12m_images/'
meta_file: '/path/to/your/cc12m_filtered_subset_pair.csv'
One may also try different image-caption datasets (e.g. YFCC, RedCaps) by providing the images and the corresponding meta-file.
For COCO dataset, convert it to semantic segmentation format following GroupViT.
python convert_dataset/ /path/to/your/coco/ -o /path/to/output/coco/
Change the image dirs in segmentation/configs/base/datasets/*.py.
data_root = '/path/to/your/VOCdevkit/VOC2012'
data_root = '/path/to/your/pascal_context/VOCdevkit/VOC2010/'
data_root = '/path/to/your/coco/'
data_root = '/path/to/your/coco/'
data_root = '/path/to/your/ADEChallengeData2016/'
To enable zero-shot classification evaluation, please prepare the validation set of ImageNet. The metafile of the validation set is already provided here. Modify the image path in configs/ovsegmentor/ovsegmentor_pretrain_vit_bert_stage1.yml
root_dir: '/path/to/your/cc12m_images/'