15 KB

  1. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # Copyright (c) 2021-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
  3. #
  4. # NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES and its licensors retain all intellectual
  5. # property and proprietary rights in and to this software, related
  6. # documentation and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction,
  7. # disclosure or distribution of this software and related documentation
  8. # without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly
  9. # prohibited.
  10. #
  11. # Written by Jiarui Xu
  12. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. import os.path as osp
  14. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  15. import mmcv
  16. import numpy as np
  17. import torch
  18. import torch.nn.functional as F
  19. from einops import rearrange
  20. from mmseg.models import EncoderDecoder
  21. from PIL import Image
  22. from utils import get_logger
  23. GROUP_PALETTE = np.loadtxt(osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__)), 'group_palette.txt'), dtype=np.uint8)[:, ::-1]
  24. def resize_attn_map(attentions, h, w, align_corners=False):
  25. """
  26. Args:
  27. attentions: shape [B, num_head, H*W, groups]
  28. h:
  29. w:
  30. Returns:
  31. attentions: shape [B, num_head, h, w, groups]
  32. """
  33. scale = (h * w // attentions.shape[2])**0.5
  34. if h > w:
  35. w_featmap = w // int(np.round(scale))
  36. h_featmap = attentions.shape[2] // w_featmap
  37. else:
  38. h_featmap = h // int(np.round(scale))
  39. w_featmap = attentions.shape[2] // h_featmap
  40. assert attentions.shape[
  41. 2] == h_featmap * w_featmap, f'{attentions.shape[2]} = {h_featmap} x {w_featmap}, h={h}, w={w}'
  42. bs = attentions.shape[0]
  43. nh = attentions.shape[1] # number of head
  44. groups = attentions.shape[3] # number of group token
  45. # [bs, nh, h*w, groups] -> [bs*nh, groups, h, w]
  46. attentions = rearrange(
  47. attentions, 'bs nh (h w) c -> (bs nh) c h w', bs=bs, nh=nh, h=h_featmap, w=w_featmap, c=groups)
  48. attentions = F.interpolate(attentions, size=(h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=align_corners)
  49. # [bs*nh, groups, h, w] -> [bs, nh, h*w, groups]
  50. attentions = rearrange(attentions, '(bs nh) c h w -> bs nh h w c', bs=bs, nh=nh, h=h, w=w, c=groups)
  51. return attentions
  52. def top_groups(attn_map, k):
  53. """
  54. Args:
  55. attn_map: (B, H, W, G)
  56. k: int
  57. Return:
  58. (B, H, W, k)
  59. """
  60. attn_map = attn_map.clone()
  61. for i in range(attn_map.size(0)):
  62. # [H*W, G]
  63. flatten_map = rearrange(attn_map[i], 'h w g -> (h w) g')
  64. kept_mat = torch.zeros(flatten_map.shape[0], device=flatten_map.device, dtype=torch.bool)
  65. area_per_group = flatten_map.sum(dim=0)
  66. top_group_idx = area_per_group.topk(k=k).indices.cpu().numpy().tolist()
  67. for group_idx in top_group_idx:
  68. kept_mat[flatten_map.argmax(dim=-1) == group_idx] = True
  69. # [H, W, 2]
  70. coords = torch.stack(
  71. torch.meshgrid(
  72. torch.arange(attn_map[i].shape[0], device=attn_map[i].device, dtype=attn_map[i].dtype),
  73. torch.arange(attn_map[i].shape[1], device=attn_map[i].device, dtype=attn_map[i].dtype)),
  74. dim=-1)
  75. coords = rearrange(coords, 'h w c -> (h w) c')
  76. # calculate distance between each pair of points
  77. # [non_kept, kept]
  78. dist_mat = torch.sum((coords[~kept_mat].unsqueeze(1) - coords[kept_mat].unsqueeze(0))**2, dim=-1)
  79. flatten_map[~kept_mat] = flatten_map[kept_mat.nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0][dist_mat.argmin(dim=-1)]]
  80. attn_map[i] = flatten_map.reshape_as(attn_map[i])
  81. return attn_map
  82. def seg2coord(seg_map):
  83. """
  84. Args:
  85. seg_map (np.ndarray): (H, W)
  86. Return:
  87. dict(group_id -> (x, y))
  88. """
  89. h, w = seg_map.shape
  90. # [h ,w, 2]
  91. coords = np.stack(np.meshgrid(np.arange(h), np.arange(w), indexing='ij'), axis=-1)
  92. labels = np.unique(seg_map)
  93. coord_map = {}
  94. for label in labels:
  95. coord_map[label] = coords[seg_map == label].mean(axis=0)
  96. return coord_map
  97. class GroupViTSegInference(EncoderDecoder):
  98. def __init__(self, model, text_embedding, with_bg, test_cfg=dict(mode='whole', bg_thresh=.95)):
  99. super(EncoderDecoder, self).__init__()
  100. if not isinstance(test_cfg, mmcv.Config):
  101. test_cfg = mmcv.Config(test_cfg)
  102. self.test_cfg = test_cfg
  103. self.model = model
  104. # [N, C]
  105. self.register_buffer('text_embedding', text_embedding)
  106. self.with_bg = with_bg
  107. self.bg_thresh = test_cfg['bg_thresh']
  108. if self.with_bg:
  109. self.num_classes = len(text_embedding) + 1
  110. else:
  111. self.num_classes = len(text_embedding)
  112. self.align_corners = False
  113. logger = get_logger()
  115. f'Building GroupViTSegInference with {self.num_classes} classes, test_cfg={test_cfg}, with_bg={with_bg}')
  116. def forward_train(self, img, img_metas, gt_semantic_seg):
  117. raise NotImplementedError
  118. def get_attn_maps(self, img, return_onehot=False, rescale=False):
  119. """
  120. Args:
  121. img: [B, C, H, W]
  122. Returns:
  123. attn_maps: list[Tensor], attention map of shape [B, H, W, groups]
  124. """
  125. results = self.model.img_encoder(img, return_attn=True, as_dict=True)
  126. attn_maps = []
  127. with torch.no_grad():
  128. prev_attn_masks = None
  129. for idx, attn_dict in enumerate(results['attn_dicts']):
  130. if attn_dict is None:
  131. assert idx == len(results['attn_dicts']) - 1, 'only last layer can be None'
  132. continue
  133. # [B, G, HxW]
  134. # B: batch size (1), nH: number of heads, G: number of group token
  135. attn_masks = attn_dict['soft']
  136. # [B, nH, G, HxW] -> [B, nH, HxW, G]
  137. attn_masks = rearrange(attn_masks, 'b h g n -> b h n g')
  138. if prev_attn_masks is None:
  139. prev_attn_masks = attn_masks
  140. else:
  141. prev_attn_masks = prev_attn_masks @ attn_masks
  142. # [B, nH, HxW, G] -> [B, nH, H, W, G]
  143. attn_maps.append(resize_attn_map(prev_attn_masks, *img.shape[-2:]))
  144. for i in range(len(attn_maps)):
  145. attn_map = attn_maps[i]
  146. # [B, nh, H, W, G]
  147. assert attn_map.shape[1] == 1
  148. # [B, H, W, G]
  149. attn_map = attn_map.squeeze(1)
  150. if rescale:
  151. attn_map = rearrange(attn_map, 'b h w g -> b g h w')
  152. attn_map = F.interpolate(
  153. attn_map, size=img.shape[2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=self.align_corners)
  154. attn_map = rearrange(attn_map, 'b g h w -> b h w g')
  155. if return_onehot:
  156. # [B, H, W, G]
  157. attn_map = F.one_hot(attn_map.argmax(dim=-1), num_classes=attn_map.shape[-1]).to(dtype=attn_map.dtype)
  158. attn_maps[i] = attn_map
  159. return attn_maps
  160. def encode_decode(self, img, img_metas):
  161. """Encode images with backbone and decode into a semantic segmentation
  162. map of the same size as input."""
  163. assert img.shape[0] == 1, 'batch size must be 1'
  164. # [B, C, H, W], get the last one only
  165. attn_map = self.get_attn_maps(img, rescale=True)[-1]
  166. # [H, W, G], select batch idx 0
  167. attn_map = attn_map[0]
  168. img_outs = self.model.encode_image(img, return_feat=True, as_dict=True)
  169. # [B, L, C] -> [L, C]
  170. grouped_img_tokens = img_outs['image_feat'].squeeze(0)
  171. img_avg_feat = img_outs['image_x']
  172. # [G, C]
  173. grouped_img_tokens = F.normalize(grouped_img_tokens, dim=-1)
  174. img_avg_feat = F.normalize(img_avg_feat, dim=-1)
  175. # [H, W, G]
  176. onehot_attn_map = F.one_hot(attn_map.argmax(dim=-1), num_classes=attn_map.shape[-1]).to(dtype=attn_map.dtype)
  177. num_fg_classes = self.text_embedding.shape[0]
  178. class_offset = 1 if self.with_bg else 0
  179. text_tokens = self.text_embedding
  180. num_classes = num_fg_classes + class_offset
  181. logit_scale = torch.clamp(self.model.logit_scale.exp(), max=100)
  182. # [G, N]
  183. group_affinity_mat = (grouped_img_tokens @ text_tokens.T) * logit_scale
  184. pre_group_affinity_mat = F.softmax(group_affinity_mat, dim=-1)
  185. avg_affinity_mat = (img_avg_feat @ text_tokens.T) * logit_scale
  186. avg_affinity_mat = F.softmax(avg_affinity_mat, dim=-1)
  187. affinity_mask = torch.zeros_like(avg_affinity_mat)
  188. avg_affinity_topk = avg_affinity_mat.topk(dim=-1, k=min(5, num_fg_classes))
  189. affinity_mask.scatter_add_(
  190. dim=-1, index=avg_affinity_topk.indices, src=torch.ones_like(avg_affinity_topk.values))
  191. group_affinity_mat.masked_fill_(~affinity_mask.bool(), float('-inf'))
  192. group_affinity_mat = F.softmax(group_affinity_mat, dim=-1)
  193. # TODO: check if necessary
  194. group_affinity_mat *= pre_group_affinity_mat
  195. pred_logits = torch.zeros(num_classes, *attn_map.shape[:2], device=img.device, dtype=img.dtype)
  196. pred_logits[class_offset:] = rearrange(onehot_attn_map @ group_affinity_mat, 'h w c -> c h w')
  197. if self.with_bg:
  198. bg_thresh = min(self.bg_thresh, group_affinity_mat.max().item())
  199. pred_logits[0, (onehot_attn_map @ group_affinity_mat).max(dim=-1).values < bg_thresh] = 1
  200. return pred_logits.unsqueeze(0)
  201. def blend_result(self, img, result, palette=None, out_file=None, opacity=0.5, with_bg=False):
  202. img = mmcv.imread(img)
  203. img = img.copy()
  204. seg = result[0]
  205. if palette is None:
  206. palette = self.PALETTE
  207. palette = np.array(palette)
  208. assert palette.shape[1] == 3, palette.shape
  209. assert len(palette.shape) == 2
  210. assert 0 < opacity <= 1.0
  211. color_seg = np.zeros((seg.shape[0], seg.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
  212. for label, color in enumerate(palette):
  213. color_seg[seg == label, :] = color
  214. # convert to BGR
  215. color_seg = color_seg[..., ::-1]
  216. if with_bg:
  217. fg_mask = seg != 0
  218. img[fg_mask] = img[fg_mask] * (1 - opacity) + color_seg[fg_mask] * opacity
  219. else:
  220. img = img * (1 - opacity) + color_seg * opacity
  221. img = img.astype(np.uint8)
  222. if out_file is not None:
  223. mmcv.imwrite(img, out_file)
  224. return img
  225. def show_result(self, img_show, img_tensor, result, out_file, vis_mode='input'):
  226. assert vis_mode in [
  227. 'input', 'pred', 'input_pred', 'all_groups', 'first_group', 'final_group', 'input_pred_label'
  228. ], vis_mode
  229. if vis_mode == 'input':
  230. mmcv.imwrite(img_show, out_file)
  231. elif vis_mode == 'pred':
  232. output = Image.fromarray(result[0].astype(np.uint8)).convert('P')
  233. output.putpalette(np.array(self.PALETTE).astype(np.uint8))
  234. mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(osp.dirname(out_file))
  235.'.jpg', '.png'))
  236. elif vis_mode == 'input_pred':
  237. self.blend_result(img=img_show, result=result, out_file=out_file, opacity=0.5, with_bg=self.with_bg)
  238. elif vis_mode == 'input_pred_label':
  239. labels = np.unique(result[0])
  240. coord_map = seg2coord(result[0])
  241. # reference: # noqa
  242. blended_img = self.blend_result(
  243. img=img_show, result=result, out_file=None, opacity=0.5, with_bg=self.with_bg)
  244. blended_img = mmcv.bgr2rgb(blended_img)
  245. width, height = img_show.shape[1], img_show.shape[0]
  246. EPS = 1e-2
  247. fig = plt.figure(frameon=False)
  248. canvas = fig.canvas
  249. dpi = fig.get_dpi()
  250. fig.set_size_inches((width + EPS) / dpi, (height + EPS) / dpi)
  251. # remove white edges by set subplot margin
  252. plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1)
  253. ax = plt.gca()
  254. ax.axis('off')
  255. for i, label in enumerate(labels):
  256. if self.with_bg and label == 0:
  257. continue
  258. center = coord_map[label].astype(np.int32)
  259. label_text = self.CLASSES[label]
  260. ax.text(
  261. center[1],
  262. center[0],
  263. f'{label_text}',
  264. bbox={
  265. 'facecolor': 'black',
  266. 'alpha': 0.5,
  267. 'pad': 0.7,
  268. 'edgecolor': 'none'
  269. },
  270. color='orangered',
  271. fontsize=16,
  272. verticalalignment='top',
  273. horizontalalignment='left')
  274. plt.imshow(blended_img)
  275. stream, _ = canvas.print_to_buffer()
  276. buffer = np.frombuffer(stream, dtype='uint8')
  277. img_rgba = buffer.reshape(height, width, 4)
  278. rgb, alpha = np.split(img_rgba, [3], axis=2)
  279. img = rgb.astype('uint8')
  280. img = mmcv.rgb2bgr(img)
  281. mmcv.imwrite(img, out_file)
  282. plt.close()
  283. elif vis_mode == 'all_groups' or vis_mode == 'final_group' or vis_mode == 'first_group':
  284. attn_map_list = self.get_attn_maps(img_tensor)
  285. assert len(attn_map_list) in [1, 2]
  286. # only show 16 groups for the first stage
  287. # if len(attn_map_list) == 2:
  288. # attn_map_list[0] = top_groups(attn_map_list[0], k=16)
  289. num_groups = [attn_map_list[layer_idx].shape[-1] for layer_idx in range(len(attn_map_list))]
  290. for layer_idx, attn_map in enumerate(attn_map_list):
  291. if vis_mode == 'first_group' and layer_idx != 0:
  292. continue
  293. if vis_mode == 'final_group' and layer_idx != len(attn_map_list) - 1:
  294. continue
  295. attn_map = rearrange(attn_map, 'b h w g -> b g h w')
  296. attn_map = F.interpolate(
  297. attn_map, size=img_show.shape[:2], mode='bilinear', align_corners=self.align_corners)
  298. group_result = attn_map.argmax(dim=1).cpu().numpy()
  299. if vis_mode == 'all_groups':
  300. layer_out_file = out_file.replace(
  301. osp.splitext(out_file)[-1], f'_layer{layer_idx}{osp.splitext(out_file)[-1]}')
  302. else:
  303. layer_out_file = out_file
  304. self.blend_result(
  305. img=img_show,
  306. result=group_result,
  307. palette=GROUP_PALETTE[sum(num_groups[:layer_idx]):sum(num_groups[:layer_idx + 1])],
  308. out_file=layer_out_file,
  309. opacity=0.5)
  310. else:
  311. raise ValueError(f'Unknown vis_type: {vis_mode}')